Shoe Cleaning Services
Thinking of trashing your jaded shoes because of stains, odour, or broken heels? Hold on! We provide to you our dependable cleaning and repair services to retain them and wear them gracefully for the years to come.
Our Specialists inspect them thoroughly to suggest the necessary service. When the buckle needs a complete overhauling and repair, the right materials are called for, to give it a realistic look. The cracks and freckles are fixed with the superior polishing agent. The buckle is fastened with a firm stitch to give the whole shoe a complete makeover, and finally, we get a pair of shoes that are just as good as new!
Our Specialists inspect them thoroughly to suggest the necessary service. When the buckle needs a complete overhauling and repair, the right materials are called for, to give it a realistic look. The cracks and freckles are fixed with the superior polishing agent. The buckle is fastened with a firm stitch to give the whole shoe a complete makeover, and finally, we get a pair of shoes that are just as good as new!